What: Fashion with Compassion Casting
When: Saturday October 4th 12:00 noon
Where: Mode Edmonton. #3, 9912 109 Street
How: Come strut your stuff to be part of our internationally renowned Fashion with Compassion show. Come see us tomorrow as we are casting for our show. You may be a current local, international or development model or you may just have big aspirations in the industry! You don't have to be signed with us at all to be part of our show.
Girl should be between 5'8" and 6'0". Men be between 6'0" and 6'3".
What to bring? Girls should wear tight fitting clothes and high heels, hair out of face and very minimal makeup. All models are to bring a comp card or printed sheet with their name, photos and measurement to give to the International Office.
This is the FINAL Casting we will be having for this show. if we do not see you on Saturday then we will not be using you.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!